Joining the ClubYou as a Club MemberThe Club is on the look out for new members, and welcomes enthusiastic new members of all interests and abilities. You will be most welcome if you decide to come along. It's always nice to see new faces! The Club is run by its members for its members, so we encourage everyone to arrange club events, sharing the effort, fun and reward between us. All members are encouraged to develop their skills and experience, so that they can contribute towards the vitality of the Club by organising and assisting club events. In order to ensure that all of us are safe and continue to enjoy the Club, it is the responsibility of all members to consider the following criteria: •
You should be reasonably fit, although we are by no means super
You should have appropriate equipment for events.The minimum requirements for regular events are as follows: For walking you must have walking boots, waterproofs and warm clothing. For cycling you need a helmet, lights, pump and toolkit. For indoor climbing appropriate gear can normally be hired from the venue. For outdoor climbing you will require your own rock shoes, harness (in good working order), and helmet. For other events we usually hire gear as appropriate. Water to ensure adequate hydration, and food to maintain energy levels, are necessary for all activities. •
You should have an awareness of safety in the outdoors to ensure
your own safety and the safety of other members.
Please read our
safety guidelines.
Finally a good sense of humour and a spirit of adventure will
go a long way to ensuring you enjoy Chester Great Outdoors Club,
and are therefore desirable but not essential assets.
The Club is affiliated to the BMC and Cycling UK in order to benefit from the civil liability insurance cover that they provide. This covers members for any legal claims made against them in connection with hill walking, mountaineering and cycling events. However, this does not provide cover for personal injury or travel to and from events - any member wanting this sort of insurance should take out their own individual policy. How to JoinHopefully we will have whetted your appetite to join. If you're interested in joining us, we encourage you to come along to a couple of events before formally joining the Club. After that we request a membership fee of £33 per year to cover the administrative costs of the Club. If you are interested in joining or if you have any further questions, please email info@greatoutdoors.org.uk. See you soon! |