Committee RolesChairTo steer the Club in its activities, taking into account the views of the members and promoting a variety of outdoor events. To organise and chair committee meetings and to oversee committee work. To chair the AGM and report to the members at the AGM. TreasurerTo account for club income and expenditure, control club expenditure, and ensure that the Club remains solvent. To manage club bank accounts and handle payments into and out of these accounts. To present accounts at the AGM or when required. To advise the committee on membership fees. Club SecretaryTo handle club correspondence, and to keep the Club's BMC affiliation and Cycling UK affiliation up to date. To handle announcements and minutes of committee meetings. Membership SecretaryTo keep club membership records up to date (with contact details), to collect membership subscriptions and update the club mailing list. To be a focal point for new members and to advertise the Club as required to ensure a healthy in flow of new members. Events CoordinatorTo manage the club events list and publish it as appropriate, and to ensure a varied mix of events. To encourage members to play an active role in organising events. |